Meeting Mr Right

Types of Relationship to Avoid

When you are looking for Mr Right to share your life with, ensure you are in touch with your identity. Sometimes we choose people in life who are wrong for us, and this is because we are not sure what we are looking for, we think we want to be with someone because they are for example fun and because they always seem to be having a good time. However, after a while the novelty wears off, and we find that there is nothing more to the person we have chosen to be with than superficial attraction! Suddenly we find ourselves not only wanting but needing more. And we are left wondering whether we will ever find Mr Right.

At some time or other, whether we have done it mentally, or even written it down on paper, we have all made a list of the qualities that we are looking for in our Mr Right. We may say things like we want him to be attractive, responsible, good natured, fun to be with, trustworthy, reliable, kind, and likes children. The list could be endless, but then we keep on accepting dates from people who have very few of the qualities that we are really looking for, and then we wonder why things go wrong?

However, for the most part, we often don’t seem to stick to our list for that perfect Mr Right, because we are in fear of being alone, when perhaps we need to look at the opposite qualities and know that they are the relationships we need to avoid.

Manifestation Mr Right

The right person has already been found for you. Your soul mate was matched before you were born. If you are destined to be together, then hopefully fate will take you to them within your lifetime. However, there are things we can do to help destiny on its way. The art of manifestation of our Mr Right, is something that we can learn to do, as we want to be prepared for the time that we find him, and we want to know if we will recognise him and know that he’s the one. Just because our lives are predestined, this does not mean we should sit back and wait for Mr Right to walk into our lives. We need to first do the work on ourselves, being true to yourself is the first and most important step, if you are honest about how you feel about yourself, then the rest will follow.

When you understand who you are, and that you are deserving of having a loving and kind relationship, you will begin to know what you want from people, from your career and from your life. When you learn to love yourself, you will discover the kind of love you are searching for.