In fact, running or jogging are one of the best aerobic exercises to get rid of belly fat (see infographic).
First of all, decide where you are going to run. And, check it out to make sure you are comfortable with the route.
Next, if you are just starting out, set small reasonable goals. For example, running 5 miles the first time, is likely an unreasonable goal. Instead, start with say a mile. Moreover, start with a walk. And, as you get used to the distance, you can start with a walk and then transition into a jog. Finally, jog the entire mile. And, after that slowly and gradually increase the distance. Moreover, as your distances get longer, remember, you don’t have to run the entire distance. If on some days it becomes too much, simply stop and walk to the end or back to the beginning.
Next, it’s a good idea to warm up before a jog or a run. Moreover, one way to warm up is by starting your route with a walk, followed by slowly increasing your pace until you get into a slow jog and then into a run.
Above all, the pace of your run depends on many factors, such as your fitness, your mind, and most of all your body. While some are able to run fast, you may not. And that’s OK. Because, the most important thing is that you are out there helping your body become and stay healthy by losing excess fat.
In addition, once you start on your route, you don’t have to keep jogging or running the entire distance. In fact, on some days, you may want to go into a walk after running for a while. And more likely, after a little walking you may switch back to jogging or running. So, there is no hard and fast rule dictating how you complete your route. Your body will guide you.
Also, on some days, your body may not be ready to jog or run the distance you are used to. So don’t force yourself to push forward. There is always another day. On the other hand, on some days you may want to go even further. However, the thing to remember is not to go overboard. Because, one of the consequences of overdoing may be getting shin splints – especially if you have never jogged, run, or exercised before.
Finally, some suggestions on your running form are listed below.
- Keep your head up looking out in the distance. Relax your neck and your jaw. Most of all, never look down at your feet.
- Relax your shoulders. They should be down and back. Run with your back straight up.
- Keep your hands relaxed
- Bend your arms about 90 degrees. And swing them back and forth, as this helps you move forward.
- Bend you knees a bit as you hit the ground. This helps absorb the shock as you hit the ground. Also don’t raise your knees too high.
- Your foot should land below your hips, not in front of your hips.
- Aim for short light steps. Good running is light and quiet.
- Finally, breathe through your nose or your mouth. And breathe deeply. Most of all, avoid shallow, quick breaths.
- Avoid side to side movement. For example stepping on your right foot can cause you to swing to the right, while stepping on your left foot can cause you to swing to the left. However, don’t overdo the swings to the sides because it wastes energy. Instead focus on moving forward while minimizing the side to side swings.